I speak English

Уильям Шекспир – Марина Чайка, 11-г класс

Сонет LXVI

1. Я предпочел бы жизни смерть,

2. Чтобы не видеть нищеты страданья

3. И чтоб на праздность богачей мне больше не смотреть,

4. Не видеть честности из общества изгнанья.

5. Не слышать над непорочностью насмешки

6. И понимать, что к совершенству нет пути,

7. Ты ничего не сможешь в мире дикой спешки,

8. И счастья здесь не может быть,

9. И рот закован твой в тиски,

10. И глупость желает в искусстве царить,

11. И правды нет – ты ее не ищи,

12. Иначе простодушным рискуешь прослыть,

13. Я предпочел бы жизни смерть, уходом чтоб спасти себя,

14. Но как же я в жестоком мире оставлю без любви тебя?


Светлана Романова, 10-а класс

…Lust morning I was dead…

I was listening to the beating of the raindrops on the roof of my house. They told me that I am not alive. Wake up and listen to theme. Try to remember what have been yesterday, was it the day before…? They will tell you about all your secrets, about all your crimes…

…You killed the love; you killed your soul, your mind and everything that belongs to me, …everything.

…You killed yourself…

…And I hate you. I hate your flesh… But I love your soul. It calls me there: to the bright stars, to the empty space.

We are too far from earth. We do not feel our aching feet anymore. After years of living on this duty planet.

Look! There are a lot of hidden ways. Which is wrong and which is right…?

…Sometimes I wish I had a choice…

There is something better, something free and new. There our dreams come true.

But now I am here, in my room. Is this my room…? I do non not know.

I do not know. I wake up it is dark. It is cold, but I am not freezing. I do not know where I am, how I came here. I try to get up, but I am paralyzed.

The Last snow is melting, it is March. It is always cold in March, is not it?

The bright sun is in gray clouds, is it a sun, or a moon, I do not know.

I think I am going mad. My mind is so gloomy. It is cold. I do not know who I am. I do not know what I have done. I am trying hard to remember what happened yesterday, or was it yesterday or more days before.

It is raining heavier and life is coming back to my body. I try to find the luminary, but it is too cloudy. I try to move – I can move! I try to make out where I am. I hear nothing, I feel nothing, I do nothing.

For a moment I looked at my hands. I see blood on them. What have happened? I do not remember. I see your face! Your eyes are open, but why are you looking at me so sad? Are you crying? But these tears is the rainwater filling your eyes.

You do not move you do not answer, and you do not react at all…!

Very slowly I begin to understand. I wanted to end our lives, wanted to escape from sorrows and agony. I wanted to escape from it all. Now you are dead and I fm alive!!! Why do I live when you are dead? Why should I live when you are dead?


My imagination

I want to live, I want to fly

To beams of yellow sun

And feel no danger for my life

And sing the song of sky.

If only shine would stand us here

And frozen laugh of death

Would show us mysterious remote hell

And dark and painful kill.

But our life is not so long

To do all things we need

We fly away as the bird's song

To country no indeed.